
Advertise with us

Reach over 8,000 local readersThe Tribune has a regular circulation of 3,500 and a readership of over 8,000, the highest of any newspaper in West Nipissing. Moreover, the newspaper stays in people’s homes for an entire week, with every reader picking it up an average of three times over the week. This means your ad gets maximum exposure and a long life span! Take advantage of our reach and our broad appeal with local readers. Advertise in the most well-read and reputable publication in West Nipissing, the Tribune.

Don’t know where to begin to design an effective ad? Our graphic arts department will be pleased to help you. We have professional designers working with the latest design software, dedicated to creating attention-grabbing ads for our clients. If all you have is a vague idea or a few thoughts jotted down on a napkin, we can bring your concept to life with strong wording, bold graphics and images that will make you stand out.

Free consultation
Our advertising consultant knows business. In fact, she’s been in business for over 25 years and can help you create or fine-tune your marketing plan, or offer ideas on innovative advertising strategies that can help get your message across.  The Tribune also offers great promotions throughout the year, with special publications, packages and other special offers that can save you money and get you noticed. Take advantage of our knowledge and expertise; call us for a free, no-obligation consultation at your place of business.

Suzanne Gammon
Advertising consultant